Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Comarow, Avery. "Heart Attacks." Attacking the Heart Attack. 4 July 2004. 29 Apr. 2008 .
The author of this article, Avery Comarow, shares about heart attacks and the how the team at Northwestern University discovers and test how the damage of the heart attack could be minimized and reversed. The author shares about pathologist Robert Jennings and his research team to demonstrate radical ideas about heart attacks. To test these ideas the team places a block in one of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle, for various periods of time and then removed the blockage. Team members found that the blood-starved tissue could se saved if circulation to the area was restored soon enough. Driven with confidence the team will continue to further their studies and open to new ideas and studies.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mean Girls Can Feel Guilty Too

Girls are to Boys as guiltiness is to innocence. Complete opposites. Everyday there are people who do things that they believe may be a perfectly fine thing to do but in the end is something that’s unbelievably wrong. Once again, perfectly fine to unbelievably wrong = complete opposites. Guilt (click here to read and article about people feeling guilty and apologizing) is something that you can have before an action is done, where you realize it and stop yourself from doing something in the first place; it’s also something that can sneak up on you; you realize something was wrong after you do it. This happens to be the case for Cady Heron, Lindsay Lohan, in the movie Mean Girls. When Cady starts going to school she doesn’t exactly know how to deal with friends considering she moved from Africa where she was previously home schooled. When meeting Damian and Janis, they give her the “inside scoop” on everyone, but then they start to get selfish when the popular girls on campus start talking to Cady and inviting her places. They decided they wanted revenge because the popular girls on campus are also the mean girls on campus and have done some unruly things to them in the past. With this, Cady goes along believing it is a good idea at first; she gets sucked into being great friends with them and then turns on Janis and Damian, shortly after she realizes everything she is doing in wrong. She learned that plotting revenge on people could only hurt yourself as it did in Cady’s case. When everyone lost friendships Cady learned from her mistakes and forgave everyone for what she did but she didn’t do it without feeling guilty.
Just like it did for Cady guilt has snuck up on me too. When my little sister pisses me off I just want to sock her one and get revenge but then guilt comes and says “don’t do it, you’ll get yourself into more trouble.” I have to admit, half the time ill do something back anyway and then she’ll go crying off to mommy and daddy and complain but that’s beside the point. Sometimes if I realized I hurt her I’ll feel sorry; guilt comes pouring over me like the water in a water cooler comes pouring over a coach’s head after winning an important game. You either expect it to come and you just don’t know when, or it just comes out of now where. Guilt will sometimes strike me before I take action and save me from getting in trouble or even hurting someone. Guilt is a powerful thing. Everyone one time or another experiences guilt whether it’s when they misbehave towards parents, betray a friend, or plainly just doing something stupid.
In Macbeth, many of the characters feel guilt. They get a guilty conscience about something they did. For Macbeth he gets a guilty conscience about having Banquo killed and imagines him sitting at the table for dinner with them.Lady Macbeth(click here to read about her guilt journey) also experiences guilt about murdering people; so bad that she sleep walks and talked to people about all the secrecy going on. When feeling guilty people tend to go through hard times. Guilt can make you confess to things or even make things worse. People can have a hard time dealing with guilt that can cause them to do act in an un-orderly nature as it did to lady Macbeth. Guilt is to shame as innocence is to purity. Complete synonyms.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

from the eyes of a female

Okay so tell you the truth I never really knew what feminism was completely, which considering I am a 15-year-old girl in high school who already stands up for my rights, is pretty dang pathetic. I swore I just lost half respect for myself just now when I looked it up on dictionary.com and read the definition aloud. It makes so much more sense now actually being clear on what it means and the articles I read about feminism make so much more sense now that I know what it exactly is. Seriously I’m like embarrassed for myself now. All right, well anyone else out there reading this and not knowing what it means and feeling dumb you, here look it up. Feminism/Feminism (choose the easy way out and click the first one, read about it more in the second one ☺).
Feminism is so important in women’s lives today, and to stand up for themselves in what some guys believe should be a “men’s society”. Phsss yeah okay, what’s the fun of that for women, so sit around having to listen to what the guys say; yeah makes total sense to me especially when women are just as equal, just at strong, and even smarter then men. And guys, don’t even try to deny that. Women can do anything men can do and I just hate how women are so underestimated. Our rights are just as important to us as men’s rights are to them. We earned these rights by fighting for them and speaking out; men just got lucky sat on their ass and the rights were given to them from the start.
Anyway other than being annoyed about them not even working for it, lets move on. Oh okay let’s talk about appropriate and inappropriate role models for women and young girls. I am going to repeat what Kevin said in today’s seminar “ the best people to be role models are normal people.” With this being true I lean more towards someone in your family being the best person you can have as a role model, more respectably an elder.
I seriously don’t understand what-so-ever how anyone, especially an adult, can look up to Paris Hilton and all those ditzy celebrities who don’t know what they are talking about half the time and get paid so much money for literally being stupid, oh and you cant forget the fact that they’re only famous because of there oh-so-rich daddy’s that they all suck up to. Point Proven. It makes laugh how dense some people can be. HAHAHA, see….I’m laughing.
Lastly lets talk about Lady Macbeth, in Macbeth being a feminist role model. Once again, hahahha, don’t think so. She is the type of women that displays both positive and negative characteristics towards women/girls. Yes, she is proving she can be strong as a woman, more importantly during that time period, but I can almost guarantee that when a queen tells you to do something, your going to do it. The worst thing that her character shows is that even though she is a queen when she told someone to do a bad thing, they did it. She is able to manipulate people to getting anything she wants to be done, done. This shows women have power, but for this case not in a good way. Anyone can kill someone and talk a person into doing so you just have to mighty good at doing it. I feel she is not the appropriate person to look up to because in this case she knows she has power and is abusing it. Wrong thing to do lady, shame on you!!

socratic seminar

Okay so here’s the deal, in our English class once a week we have this thing called a Socratic seminar in which our class focus’ on a topic. Students in the seminar get to share how they feel about the discussion, while a group of people outside of their circle gets to listen and share their feelings at the end. These discussions can get intense depending on if people agree or disagree with each other. Sometimes people get really angry, sadly but sure enough, I find it funny. I enjoy these discussions because it’s a time in class that we can just share how we feel and people can share how they feel about your opinions as well.
In today’s Socratic seminar our class discussion was about the book Macbeth, feminism, and feminist in today’s world. Throughout the seminar there were many things I agreed on yet disagreed on as well. Kevin had very good ideas and strong answers to the discussion in which most of his comments I agree completely with. When asked about Paris Hilton and her being a role model he answered, “ the best people to be role models are real people.” This I also believe because I see a lot of people who tend to say “OMG IT’S A CELEBRITY LETS STALK THEM AND LOVE THEM AND LOOK UP TO THEM FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES. ” All I have to say to that is why? Yeah, there are celebrities that I do like and may enjoy watching or whatever but none of them are my role models. My role models are my family. Other than the questions about Lady Macbeth and her being a potential role model and is she classified under the idea of feminism, the one that stuck out to me the most was, would you want to know your future? What may be some of the dangers to that? I personally don’t want to know my future, what’s the fun of that. Yeah, yeah we know there’s always certain events that we’d like to know how they’re going to finish before we either participate or do something different in, but still. The only reason Macbeth may have become king is because three people predicted his future. For him, he probably figured “oh I already know its going to happen so why not I just make it happen sooner,” wouldn’t you rather be surprise about something like that?! I know I would. Why do people want to know what going to happen in there life, to me the whole point of life is to go about it how it comes and to learn from the events that happen. Its suppose to be a giant surprise, if we knew everything that was going to happen what’s the point of even living through it at all.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

when the good guy goes bad

Recently the former governor of New York committed a crime that from this point on has ruined his reputation. Not only did Eliot Spitzer's reputation become ruined but his popularity and peoples respect for him did as well. Whom people thought was an all-around good guy wasn’t so special after all. With out good reasoning Spitzer thought he could have a perfect relationship with prostitutes and not have anything go wrong. Hate to be the one to break it to you Spitzer, but when you’re the governor of New York and a some-what important person, people are going to watch your every move; people may not realize things at first but how long did you expect to keep this a secret. Spitzer(click here for a second article about his crime in detail and watch videos on his apology) in this case proved to be un-loyal to his family, his friends, his supporters, and everyone else looking up to him as well. Is this case justifiable? HAHAHA, if it is I would like to know how. I personally don’t believe a person can come up with something like this and then just say ”its not what it seems”/”its not my fault” or something along those lines when clearly there’s proof it is. He must have thought he could get away with this because he had so much power; that he could just do what he wanted. He must have felt greed with his power or something, but who knows, he got screwed both ways anyway.
Just like Spitzer did, Macbeth became greedy with what he thinks he can accomplish. So far, in the book, Macbeth has decided to kill Duncan to make himself heir, but will things work out the way he thinks they will? Who knows we have not read the entire book yet, but my guesses are no. Big crimes like Spitzers’ and Macbeths’ are not things you can just hide, especially when others know about it. Most likely in Macbeth a character will turn against him and his entire plan will all go down from there. Killing someone to become king because of what some witches told you would come true is not a justifiable case either. People tend to become greedy when they have power; they tend to do what they want to get themselves more power and to just please themselves in anyways they think are appropriate at the time until it may eventually backfire like in Spitzers case it already has. Committing crimes not only are a bad thing to do but are sometimes stupid too; just don’t do them, people will respect you more when you can be trusted.