Wednesday, April 9, 2008

socratic seminar

Okay so here’s the deal, in our English class once a week we have this thing called a Socratic seminar in which our class focus’ on a topic. Students in the seminar get to share how they feel about the discussion, while a group of people outside of their circle gets to listen and share their feelings at the end. These discussions can get intense depending on if people agree or disagree with each other. Sometimes people get really angry, sadly but sure enough, I find it funny. I enjoy these discussions because it’s a time in class that we can just share how we feel and people can share how they feel about your opinions as well.
In today’s Socratic seminar our class discussion was about the book Macbeth, feminism, and feminist in today’s world. Throughout the seminar there were many things I agreed on yet disagreed on as well. Kevin had very good ideas and strong answers to the discussion in which most of his comments I agree completely with. When asked about Paris Hilton and her being a role model he answered, “ the best people to be role models are real people.” This I also believe because I see a lot of people who tend to say “OMG IT’S A CELEBRITY LETS STALK THEM AND LOVE THEM AND LOOK UP TO THEM FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES. ” All I have to say to that is why? Yeah, there are celebrities that I do like and may enjoy watching or whatever but none of them are my role models. My role models are my family. Other than the questions about Lady Macbeth and her being a potential role model and is she classified under the idea of feminism, the one that stuck out to me the most was, would you want to know your future? What may be some of the dangers to that? I personally don’t want to know my future, what’s the fun of that. Yeah, yeah we know there’s always certain events that we’d like to know how they’re going to finish before we either participate or do something different in, but still. The only reason Macbeth may have become king is because three people predicted his future. For him, he probably figured “oh I already know its going to happen so why not I just make it happen sooner,” wouldn’t you rather be surprise about something like that?! I know I would. Why do people want to know what going to happen in there life, to me the whole point of life is to go about it how it comes and to learn from the events that happen. Its suppose to be a giant surprise, if we knew everything that was going to happen what’s the point of even living through it at all.

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