Wednesday, April 2, 2008

when the good guy goes bad

Recently the former governor of New York committed a crime that from this point on has ruined his reputation. Not only did Eliot Spitzer's reputation become ruined but his popularity and peoples respect for him did as well. Whom people thought was an all-around good guy wasn’t so special after all. With out good reasoning Spitzer thought he could have a perfect relationship with prostitutes and not have anything go wrong. Hate to be the one to break it to you Spitzer, but when you’re the governor of New York and a some-what important person, people are going to watch your every move; people may not realize things at first but how long did you expect to keep this a secret. Spitzer(click here for a second article about his crime in detail and watch videos on his apology) in this case proved to be un-loyal to his family, his friends, his supporters, and everyone else looking up to him as well. Is this case justifiable? HAHAHA, if it is I would like to know how. I personally don’t believe a person can come up with something like this and then just say ”its not what it seems”/”its not my fault” or something along those lines when clearly there’s proof it is. He must have thought he could get away with this because he had so much power; that he could just do what he wanted. He must have felt greed with his power or something, but who knows, he got screwed both ways anyway.
Just like Spitzer did, Macbeth became greedy with what he thinks he can accomplish. So far, in the book, Macbeth has decided to kill Duncan to make himself heir, but will things work out the way he thinks they will? Who knows we have not read the entire book yet, but my guesses are no. Big crimes like Spitzers’ and Macbeths’ are not things you can just hide, especially when others know about it. Most likely in Macbeth a character will turn against him and his entire plan will all go down from there. Killing someone to become king because of what some witches told you would come true is not a justifiable case either. People tend to become greedy when they have power; they tend to do what they want to get themselves more power and to just please themselves in anyways they think are appropriate at the time until it may eventually backfire like in Spitzers case it already has. Committing crimes not only are a bad thing to do but are sometimes stupid too; just don’t do them, people will respect you more when you can be trusted.

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