Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Over this Memorial Day weekend, I was hardly at my house. I went to my cousin’s house and found it very entertaining. My cousin got his head under the couch, let me tell you I really wish I would have taken pictures or even better video taped it, but my cousins and I were to busy laughing and crying we didn’t think of it. On Thursday my cousins and I watched the movie untraceable (such a good movie). I watched it again with my cousins on Friday and one of my camp friends came over and watched it too. On Saturday we went up to Jefferson and went riding all day up in the peaks and woods (atv’s, and quads). Monday after a bbq at my house, I went into Hillsdale with my friend Kristen, and we hung out with our friends from valley. Lastly on Tuesday, yesterday, I went out to the ridge diner for lunch with 4 friends, then two of us met up with another friend and went swimming before the storm camp.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


What is the question you are answering in your own words?
What is your conclusion and critic of this book, along with other reviews you found on it?
What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction. The critics for the book Code Talker, By Joseph Bruchac, have correctly stated about the main ideas of a persons language, their pride, war and symbolism, and about experiences as well.
The critics have correctly stated about the main ideas in the book Code Taker, By Joseph Bruchac, and how a person’s language, their pride, war and symbolism, and experiences play a key part in the book.
The views on a book differ depending upon what a critic likes to read in a piece of work.
A critic’s opinion differs depending on what they thought about major themes in a book.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The language a person speaks
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. A person’s language can tell a lot about them. In this books case, it helped was in major importance during WWII. Although told it had no significant in life it turned out to be a secret weapon for America
b. “ In this case of Navajo speakers, their language said to be the most difficult of all American Indian languages_ is a reminder of the crucial role its speakers played in American History “
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
His Pride
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. Began takes grate pride in being a Navajo and knowing its precious language. He takes pride in it even though he is being told it’s bad and unnecessary.
b. For someone to have so much pride and vital contribution towards something they are helping for, truly makes a difference when they were told ad punished for that something as children
c. “He conveys his pride in the vital contribution he and his fellow Navajos made to win the war.”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
War and Symbolism
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. War, being a main topic in this book, had many symbolisms that came from it. Whether it was good or bad events that happen while war meant many tins do the Navajo people
b. “…to them, just looking at a corpse risked association with bad spirits, and their belief in the danger of the ocean meant that they weren’t comfortable eating fish, let along traveling by ship or submarine.”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Experiences (and Lessons)
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. While being on the battlefield the Navajos had to learn how to do many things. they had to learn how to work machinery, how to use radios, and certain strategies about war. They also experienced how to live life in certain conditions.
b. “Rooted in his Navajo consciousness and traditions even in dealing with fear, loneliness, and the horrors of the battlefield…”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
What should we now understand after reading your paper? What idea(s) does your paper lead to?
a. How the book is a good read for all ages and teaches not only a life lesson but a history lesson as well.
b. The reader will understand the main themes of the book and how people can correctly choose them after reading the merit.
c. We also can see how different people opinions can help you to understand a book better and see more into it then you did yourself

Thursday, May 15, 2008

cornell notes

TITLE: Code Talker; a novel about the Navajo Marines of World War Two
AUTHOR: Klein, Miles
Main Idea #1: Using the Code
Summary: Although taught as a child that Navajo language and heritage is not allowed, it ends up helping him greatly in the future during a great time in need.
Quote: “ He joins the all- Navajo 297th Platoon and is sent to a special code school, where he learns an unbreakable top-secret code based on Navajo: a code so secret that the government only declassified the story in 1969(they had thought they might use that code again).”
Question/Comment: How can the people who forced them to forget their language and everything about their heritage turn to them and ask for their help knowing that they yelled at them for the exact thing they’re asking for.
Main Idea #2: His Pride
Summary: Began takes great pride in being a Navajo and knowing its precious language. He takes pride in it even though he is being told it’s bad and unnecessary.
Quote: “He conveys his pride in the vital contribution he and his fellow Navajos made to win the war.”
Question/Comment: For someone to have so much pride and vital contribution towards something they are helping for truly makes a difference when they were told and punished for that something as children.

TITLE: Novel of Navajo ‘code talkers’
AUTHOR: Haegele, Katie
Main Idea #1: The language a person speaks
Summary: a person’s language can tell a lot about them. In this books case, it helped was in major importance during WWII. Although told it had no significant in life it turned out to be a secret weapon for America.
Quote: “ In this case of Navajo speakers, their language_ said to be the most difficult of all American Indian languages _ is a reminder of the crucial role its speakers played in American History.”
Question/Comment: From what I have read through the story, this review was excellent and Haegele was smart to include about the language a person speaks in her review.
Main Idea #2: War and Symbolism
Summary: War, being a main topic in this book, had many symbolisms that came from it. Whether it was good or bad events that happen while war meant many things for the Navajo people.
Quote: “… to them, just looking at a corpse risked association with bad spirits, and their belief in the danger of the ocean meant that they weren’t comfortable eating fish, let alone traveling by ship or submarine.”
Question/Comment: Sharing how the war has many different symbolisms for the Navajo tribe was very interesting to realize. I wonder what other things could mean for them?!
Main Idea #3: Training
Summary: The people were trained in ways that today we wouldn’t use. One main thing that the marines had to learn was how to swim.
Quote: “ During basic training the Marines had to learn how to swim, something non of the Indians had done before…they learned the hard way.”
Question/Comment: What were other ways they trained?

TITLE: Code Talker
AUTHOR: Phelan, Carolyn
Main Idea #1: Experiences
Summary: While being on the battlefield the Navajos had to learn how to do many things. They had to learn how to work machinery, how to use the radios, and certain strategies about war. They also experienced how to live life in certain conditions.
Quote: “ Rooted in his Navajo consciousness and traditions even in dealing with fear, loneliness, and the horrors of the battlefield…”
Question/Comment: How did experiences affect their lives? I wish the Author could have give a specific example without giving out too much information, rather than just saying the quote above.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Montana 1948 Socratic Seminar

Today’s seminar seemed to focus mainly on whether or not the reader believes a character made the right choice in situations. First of all, Montana 1948 is one of my favorite books we have read all year; The Body Of Christopher Creed I enjoyed as well. I believe Frank did not get what he deserved for several reasons. Mainly because he didn’t get, what seems like, a punishment for his wrong-doing. With Frank killing himself (making it easier for everyone else to go about the situation) he got away with all that he did. He didn’t suffer any punishment for the ones he made suffer, he didn’t get embarrassed or humiliated for anything he did. Killing himself just made things effortless, his story never got out and no one but the family knew about what he did. I think he should have got put in jail, even if it means their family name might get talked about. People would know the real him and may appreciate the family for locking him up.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Source Posting Summaries

Klein, Miles, Code Talker; A Novel about the Navajo Marines of World War Two, Literature Resource Center
This Review talks about the book and events that will happen without giving it away or too many details for it either. It reveals about the book being “research heavy” and providing many real dates and statistics from our past about WWII. Klein also recommends the book for all listeners who are willing to learn about history in a unique way.

Haegele, Katie, Novel of Navajo ‘code talkers’, Student Research Center; Ebsco
Haegele talks about the book being bout war itself and the difficulties of making peace between two cultures that don’t speak each other’s language. She also says how the book it fact-heavy but includes moments of culture shock and survival. This review tells how the language a person speaks can tell you about who he is.

Phelan, Carolyn, Code Talker, Literature Resource Center
This Review keys on how the book, not being that riveting at some points, is put together to create a concrete and memorable portrayal of a young boy living through life during this time period. We are told that readers will “walk away” with more information and attraction of the Navajo Code Talking than we expect to read about.

Cooperman, Larry, Code Talker, Student Research Center; Ebsco
The author of this review tells how Ned, the main character, tells the story about his life and the Navajo Code Talkers, but with the twist that he is telling the story to his grandchildren. He not only tells us about history but shares his knowledge with his grandchildren as well.

Manning, Patricia, Code Talker: A Novel about the Navajo Marines of World War Two, Student Research Center; Ebsco
Manning talks about the tale being inspiring even for those who learned about Navajo’s already. This review shares about how a person having a career as a code talker had an important role during that time period.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Montana 1948 has many themes including the major issue of sibling rivalry. In this book Frank, Wes’s brother, and Wes illustrate the theme if sibling rivalry. Wes, being David’s father, and Frank, being David’s uncle, competed not only as children but also as adults to see who the better child is. Frank was always the more outgoing child and one people respected more. He had the looks, the athletic ability, and the smarts, the things Wes lacked. Wes tended to be the child everyone “forgets” about; he also seems to put in little effort to draw his self attention. In one case, during a ceremony for a celebration, Wes and Franks father, David’s grandfather, called up a relative “ Now, I’d like to bring my son up here,” with no hesitation Frank approaches the front while Wes stayed seated and blended in with the crowd. This exemplifying that he himself believes his father only likes frank and only feels the need to call “his son” up and not mention “sons” or Wes. Sibling rivalry, most of the time, leads into some form of jealousy. Although fighting and competing may not be the best way to go about rivalry among siblings, it happens to everyone at one point. Having favorites in family can also hurt a child’s feelings and the way they will treat their family.

Dealing with sibling rivalry can be difficult but there are in-fact ways to do so. In the article, Family Feud, by Denise Henry it talks about real example of people dealing with their sibling issues. One tactic that can be used is using your issues and jealousy as motivation for yourself (Henry, 2008). In this article two sisters, Olympia and Keishana, compete about school. Olympia admits to being jealous of her sister, but instead of making matter worse she uses it as a motivation for herself. In Montana 1948, David’s dad, Wes, doesn’t seem to realize ways to deal with his jealousy. We see him just sit back and take it; yes, it is good to not worsen it and sit back but if you don’t say something then things may never change. He should use his brother’s achievements as a motivation to achieve his goals. This tactic can help not only to improve relationships but also help improve personal ambitions.

Siblings will always fight, its part of life but people should realize that there are ways to help that. As for the two paragraphs above, writing about those rivalries differ depending on where you get you information. Writing about a piece of literature in an essay paragraph, you are open to write about what you want and can include more analysis than in a research paragraph where you MUST have certain things. For a research paper you must also include where you got your research and cite if you used someone’s ideas. An essay paragraph is mainly a summary about something but not as deep in depth or giving examples. Nicole had good examples on how to write these paragraphs.