Thursday, May 1, 2008

Montana 1948 has many themes including the major issue of sibling rivalry. In this book Frank, Wes’s brother, and Wes illustrate the theme if sibling rivalry. Wes, being David’s father, and Frank, being David’s uncle, competed not only as children but also as adults to see who the better child is. Frank was always the more outgoing child and one people respected more. He had the looks, the athletic ability, and the smarts, the things Wes lacked. Wes tended to be the child everyone “forgets” about; he also seems to put in little effort to draw his self attention. In one case, during a ceremony for a celebration, Wes and Franks father, David’s grandfather, called up a relative “ Now, I’d like to bring my son up here,” with no hesitation Frank approaches the front while Wes stayed seated and blended in with the crowd. This exemplifying that he himself believes his father only likes frank and only feels the need to call “his son” up and not mention “sons” or Wes. Sibling rivalry, most of the time, leads into some form of jealousy. Although fighting and competing may not be the best way to go about rivalry among siblings, it happens to everyone at one point. Having favorites in family can also hurt a child’s feelings and the way they will treat their family.

Dealing with sibling rivalry can be difficult but there are in-fact ways to do so. In the article, Family Feud, by Denise Henry it talks about real example of people dealing with their sibling issues. One tactic that can be used is using your issues and jealousy as motivation for yourself (Henry, 2008). In this article two sisters, Olympia and Keishana, compete about school. Olympia admits to being jealous of her sister, but instead of making matter worse she uses it as a motivation for herself. In Montana 1948, David’s dad, Wes, doesn’t seem to realize ways to deal with his jealousy. We see him just sit back and take it; yes, it is good to not worsen it and sit back but if you don’t say something then things may never change. He should use his brother’s achievements as a motivation to achieve his goals. This tactic can help not only to improve relationships but also help improve personal ambitions.

Siblings will always fight, its part of life but people should realize that there are ways to help that. As for the two paragraphs above, writing about those rivalries differ depending on where you get you information. Writing about a piece of literature in an essay paragraph, you are open to write about what you want and can include more analysis than in a research paragraph where you MUST have certain things. For a research paper you must also include where you got your research and cite if you used someone’s ideas. An essay paragraph is mainly a summary about something but not as deep in depth or giving examples. Nicole had good examples on how to write these paragraphs.

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