Monday, May 12, 2008

Montana 1948 Socratic Seminar

Today’s seminar seemed to focus mainly on whether or not the reader believes a character made the right choice in situations. First of all, Montana 1948 is one of my favorite books we have read all year; The Body Of Christopher Creed I enjoyed as well. I believe Frank did not get what he deserved for several reasons. Mainly because he didn’t get, what seems like, a punishment for his wrong-doing. With Frank killing himself (making it easier for everyone else to go about the situation) he got away with all that he did. He didn’t suffer any punishment for the ones he made suffer, he didn’t get embarrassed or humiliated for anything he did. Killing himself just made things effortless, his story never got out and no one but the family knew about what he did. I think he should have got put in jail, even if it means their family name might get talked about. People would know the real him and may appreciate the family for locking him up.

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